Infant Bereavement Workshop May 30th – Details

If you know of anyone who might benefit from attending this session, please let them know!

Mon., May 30th 6:30pm – 9:30pm 

St. Nicholas Church – 20675 87th Ave., Langley (Walnut Grove), BC

SPEAKERS:  Denis E. Boyd, MA, Registered Psychologist & Donna L. Crombie, BA

This workshop is for those grieving the loss of a younger child, infant or baby who has died at birth, or during pregnancy as a result of stillbirth or miscarriage.  It is also geared towards caregivers and volunteers dedicated to supporting these families. 

Hear from an experienced therapist who works with bereaved families and a parent who will share her faith-based journey in search of hope and healing after the loss of her baby.  Discuss healthy ways to work through the grief process and ideas on how to honour your child.  You are not alone…meet others who understand what it is like to love and miss a little one.

Denis Boyd has been providing counselling for over 30 years.  He has special interest in assisting individuals and couples in areas such as grief, stress and marriage.  Donna is a Babylost Mom and coordinates events and workshops to help support bereaved families.Discuss ways to work through the grief process and ideas on how to honour your child.  You are not alone…meet others who understand what it is like to love and miss a little one.    
Who might be interested in attending?  Parents, adult family members and friends.  Professionals and volunteers who support bereaved families after the loss of a young life are also encouraged to attend.  Note that caregivers will be given the opportunity to hear first-hand the kind of support bereaved families need, as well as share ideas with one another in a group setting.  

Topics that will be covered include the following: 

·        Grieving a baby, infant or child
·        You mean I’m not going crazy?
·        Dealing with potential abandonment by friends & family
·        Healthy and unhealthy grief reactions
·        Differing grief patterns e.g. why does my spouse not understand? 
·        Coping strategies and getting better
Surviving the Loss of a Baby:  A story of Faith, Hope and Healing
·        The roller coaster ride of grief
·        Finding grace in grief
·        Towards hope
·        Healing as an ongoing process
·        Once a mom always a mom…where do I go from here?

Interactive Discussion & Group Work
·        Coping through ‘angelversaries’ and other significant dates
·        What has helped or hindered in the recovery after a loss whether it was an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, early infant death, SIDS or the death of a child 3 +
·        Honouring and remembering your child
·        Effective strategies and resources to support help bereaved families

Cost:  $30/person or 2 tickets for $55.  After May 16th – $35/person or 2 tickets for $65.  Partial proceeds will be donated to organizations that support bereaved parents.


Pls. call: Denis Boyd & Associates at 604.931.7(two)11 to pre-register.  Email:  info(at) for more info.