Oct.17th, 2020 Infant Loss Remembrance Mass – live stream

I’m overwhelmed about how beautiful the Infant Loss Mass was today. If you missed it or would like to experience it again, it can be found here. The Archbishop’s homily was touching and I found his heartfelt words of comfort were genuine. I feel blessed to have such solid support for Elizabeth Ministry from of the Archdiocese of Vancouver and am proud to be a part of this community.

Thank you to everyone that attended in person and online and thanks to those involved in making this Mass happen, I am truly grateful!

Oct. 17th, 2020 Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Mass

On Oct.15th, people around the world honoured infants who have died much too soon. A special remembrance service will be held and a candle will be lit for my own three babies. Will you join us?

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Mass with Archbishop Miller 

2:00 PM – October 17, 2020

Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of Gethsemani

Join us online as we honour our little ones who have gone too soon. A special Mass will be live streamed, and candles lit in honour of those we have lost. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB.

Register to attend online. If you cannot attend, you may still register and we will light a candle in remembrance of whom you have lost.

Post Partum Depression Seminar

You are not Alone!  Coping Strategies for Baby Blues/Post Partum Depression & Anxiety

April 4th, 2017 from 7 PM – 9:00 PM 


Presented ByDiana Ayres, M.A., Registered Clinical Counsellor and Donna L. Crombie, Elizabeth Minister

Location:  St. Nicholas Church, 20675 87 Ave., Langley, BC

Will you be giving birth in the next few months?

Have you given birth recently?

Do you sometimes feel anxious or think you might be depressed or worry your spouse might be?

Have you suffered through infant loss and are pregnant again or recently had a baby?

Feeling lonely and need of support?

Post partum depression can greatly affect couples and their families.  Feelings being of worried, anxious or depressed are more common than we think.  Diana and Donna are new moms and would like to create more awareness about this important topic.

This seminar will go over signs and symptoms of perinatal and post partum anxiety and depression.  Diana will discuss ways to cope, gain support and thrive and Donna will share her story about infant loss and having subsequent children.

Pregnant couples, new parents, supporters and family members are encouraged to attend.  All are welcome!

Cost:  By donation

To register or for more info: 604.931.7211 – denisboyd.com

Elizabeth Ministry Launch – Vancouver, BC

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day

Please join us at these two events, we’d love to meet you!  More info. can be found on the events page.

Read Archbishop J. Michael Miller’s message for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  It is wonderful to have support from the Archdiocese of Vancouver and Catholic Cemeteries for Elizabeth Ministry, thank you!

Watch the promo video

Nov. 5, 2016 Infant & Child Remembrance Service

St. Nicholas R.C. Church – 20675 87th Ave., Langley, BC

Remembrance Mass Service: 9:00 am

“Teddy Bear” Tea Reception: 10:00 am hosted by St. Nicholas Parish/Elizabeth Ministry

*RSVP: A response is kindly requested, but not necessary:  info(at)littlelightofheaven.com

Families are welcome to bring a photo and/or mementos of their infants or children to share.

Prayers will be included for parents and family members who wish to honour the lives of all children gone-too-soon, including;

– Children of any age

– Infants & Toddlers

– Babies lost shortly after birth and through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

– Pre-born babies and those who have died during pregnancy for any reason (e.g. ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications and stillbirth)

Couples who are trying to conceive and those struggling with infertility; parents who are expecting and those on a waiting list to adopt; as well as parents who lovingly chose to give up and/or welcome children through adoption will also be remembered on this day.  We will also pray for families touched by abortion.


Everyone is welcome to attend the reception immediately after the service.  Families will be offered a teddy bear in honour of their child/ren through Elizabeth Ministry.

Families can enter the name of their child in the “Little Book of Life” and light a candle for their little one.

This event is open to everyone from all faiths and backgrounds, especially bereaved parents and other family members including children, as well as those who support grieving families.

We will be collecting donated wedding/bridesmaid dresses and grad gowns (any colour) for BC Angel Dresses.  Please bring your dresses to the social and they will be lovingly sewn into burial garments for babies.


*Elizabeth Ministry is a faith-based, peer mentorship volunteer organization that celebrates the sanctity of life and honours the lives of all children.

We’re looking for volunteers to assist!  Please contact:

info (at) littlelightofheaven.com

Apr. 26th Mass for the Unborn

Gardens of Gethsemani is offering a “Mass for the Unborn” on Sunday April 26th, at 2:30pm in the Evangelist Chapel. “We truly celebrate the gift of each child conceived and born, and fully mourn each miscarriage, abortion, stillborn and infant or child’s death at our Catholic Cemeteries”.

There will be a Knights of Columbus Honor Guard and procession to our new Children’s Memorial Garden and Rachel’s Garden as we pray the rosary. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

Infant & Child Memorial Service – June 13

Please join us on Sat., June 13, 2015 for the Infant & Child Memorial Service & Teddy Bear Tea at St. Matthew’s Parish – 16079 88 Ave., Surrey, BC (Canada).


Shutterstock image

The Memorial Mass will start at 5:30 pm and the “Teddy Bear” Tea & Social hosted by St. Matthew’s Parish, Elizabeth Ministry and CWL will follow..  ALL are welcome, including children.

Please. email Ann, Elizabeth Minister at St. Matthew’s R.C. Parish annamsing@yahoo.com for more information.

Light of Life LLoH
“Light of Life” by Libby Dulac

Prayers will be included for parents & family members who wish to celebrate and honour the lives of children gone-too-soon, including toddlers and infants, as well as babies who have died during birth and pre-born babies lost during pregnancy.

*If anyone is interested in bringing snacks to share, that would be much appreciated!

Angel or Saint?

I’m guilty!  I’ve fondly identified myself as an “Angel Mom” even though what I meant was “Saint Mom”, but “Saint Mom” sounds awkward, it needs explaining – there is a certain connotation to the word “Saint”.   Not everyone will instinctually know what you are referring to, but maybe we should take the time to help others understand.  This is a great article that explains the difference, called Why Our Babies Aren’t Angels…And Why It Matters.

Infant & Child Loss Service Nov.15, 2014

*Infant & Child Loss Remembrance Service*

& Teddy Bear Tea

St. Nicholas R.C. Church – 20675 87th Ave., Langley, BC

Remembrance Mass Service: 9:00 am

“Teddy Bear” Tea Reception: 10:00 am hosted by St. Nicholas Parish/Elizabeth Ministry

*RSVP: A response is kindly requested, but not necessary:  info(at)littlelightofheaven.com

Families are welcome to bring a photo and/or mementos of their infants or children to share.

Prayers will be included for parents and family members who wish to honour the lives of all children gone-too-soon, including;

– Children of any age

– Infants & Toddlers

– Babies lost shortly after birth and through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

– Pre-born babies and those who have died during pregnancy for any reason (e.g. ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications and stillbirth)

Couples who are trying to conceive and those struggling with infertility; parents who are expecting and those on a waiting list to adopt; as well as parents who lovingly chose to give up and/or welcome children through adoption will also be remembered on this day.  We will also pray for families touched by abortion.


Everyone is welcome to attend the reception immediately after the service.  Families will be offered a teddy bear in honour of their child/ren through Elizabeth Ministry.  These teddy bears have been kindly donated by individuals and organizations such as Signal Hill and Gardens of Gethsemani.

Families can enter the name of their child in the “Little Book of Life” and light a candle for their little one.

This event is open to everyone from all faiths and backgrounds, especially bereaved parents and other family members including children, as well as those who support grieving families.


*Elizabeth Ministry is a faith-based, peer mentorship volunteer organization that celebrates the sanctity of life and honours the lives of all children.

We’re looking for volunteers to assist!  Please contact:

info (at) littlelightofheaven.com

Infant & Child Loss Remembrance Service – Nov. 2nd, 2013

*Infant & Child Loss Remembrance Service*

& Teddy Bear Tea

St. Nicholas R.C. Church – 20675 87th Ave., Langley, BC

Remembrance Mass Service: 9:00 am

“Teddy Bear” Tea Reception: 10:00 am hosted by St. Nicholas Parish/Elizabeth Ministry

*RSVP: info(at)littlelightofheaven.com

Prayers will be included for parents and family members who wish to honour the lives of all children gone-too-soon, including;

– Children of any age

– Infants & Toddlers

– Babies lost shortly after birth and through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

– Babies who have died during pregnancy for any reason (e.g. ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications and stillbirth)

Couples who are trying to conceive and those struggling with infertility; parents who are expecting and those on a waiting list to adopt; as well as parents who lovingly chose to give up and/or welcome children through adoption and fostering will also be remembered on this day.


Everyone is welcome to attend the reception immediately after the service.  Families will be offered a teddy bear in honour of their child through Elizabeth Ministry.  These teddy bears have been kindly donated by organizations such as Signal Hill and Gardens of Gethsemani.

Families can enter the name of their child in the “Little Book of Life” and light a candle for their little one.

This event is open to everyone from all faiths and backgrounds, especially bereaved parents and other family members including children, as well as those who support grieving families.

*Please RSVP so that enough programs, candles & refreshments are available.


*Elizabeth Ministry is a faith-based, peer mentorship volunteer organization that celebrates the sanctity of life and honours the lives of all children.

We’re looking for volunteers to assist!  If you are interested in donating a teddy bear or refreshments, volunteering or starting a chapter at your Parish, please contact:

Donna, Elizabeth Minister St. Nicholas Chapter – info (at) littlelightofheaven.com

Please note:  At this service, we will honour and celebrate the lives of our little Saints in heaven.  This Mass will be held on the Feast of All Souls’ Day.