Support BC’s Newest Adoption Agency

“Swing into Summer Gala” fundraising event June 14th

All proceeds go toward start up fees for the adoption agency, Home for Every Child Family Services! The event will be held at the Langley Golf and Banquet Centre.  Doors open at 5:45pm and dinner will be served at 6:15pm.

Come find out about this new Christian agency and the orphan crisis, be a part of the silent auction, and learn how to swing dance!

There will be a 30 minute lesson followed by an evening of music and dancing!

Deadline for purchasing tickets:  June 6th.

Dear Mommy, On Mother’s Day

You have created every part of me; You put me together in my mother’s womb…When I was growing there in secret, You knew that I was there. 

Psalm 139:13-18

Today I celebrate you mommy, but I do this from up above;

I know this day is sad for you, but may it be full of Love. 

You need not worry for I am safe in God’s warm embrace,

I am happy here and play all day with all my angel friends.

As you sit and cry in daddy’s arms, some may not comprehend

Your tender heart will forever miss the child you grieve, that’s me!

But know that you are a mom, MY mommy you will always be…


On this day it may feel cold when others seem not to care;

I wish I could take away the lasting pain you seem to bear.

I cherished every day we had and if you only knew,

The kicks and flutters you often felt were the feet and tiny wings I grew.


When you close your eyes at night and begin to dream,

Know that I am with you, though I cannot be seen.

Feel the little kisses on your cheek, listen to the prayers that I speak; 

And in the stillness of your heart, hear my wee voice sing,

Songs of love and peacefulness mark the gifts I bring.

Know that I wait at heaven’s gate patiently for you and dad,

We’ll all be together again, so try not to be too sad.


Thank you for giving me the gift of life, and taking good care of me,

On this Mother’s Day remember that I Love You for Eternity…


With Love and Hugs,

Your Heavenly Angel


~ Written in Loving Memory of Baby Keaton – Born into Eternal Life on Jan. 16, 2009 ~

(Mother’s Day, 2009)