Infant & Child Loss Remembrance Service – Nov. 2nd, 2013

*Infant & Child Loss Remembrance Service*

& Teddy Bear Tea

St. Nicholas R.C. Church – 20675 87th Ave., Langley, BC

Remembrance Mass Service: 9:00 am

“Teddy Bear” Tea Reception: 10:00 am hosted by St. Nicholas Parish/Elizabeth Ministry

*RSVP: info(at)

Prayers will be included for parents and family members who wish to honour the lives of all children gone-too-soon, including;

– Children of any age

– Infants & Toddlers

– Babies lost shortly after birth and through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

– Babies who have died during pregnancy for any reason (e.g. ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications and stillbirth)

Couples who are trying to conceive and those struggling with infertility; parents who are expecting and those on a waiting list to adopt; as well as parents who lovingly chose to give up and/or welcome children through adoption and fostering will also be remembered on this day.


Everyone is welcome to attend the reception immediately after the service.  Families will be offered a teddy bear in honour of their child through Elizabeth Ministry.  These teddy bears have been kindly donated by organizations such as Signal Hill and Gardens of Gethsemani.

Families can enter the name of their child in the “Little Book of Life” and light a candle for their little one.

This event is open to everyone from all faiths and backgrounds, especially bereaved parents and other family members including children, as well as those who support grieving families.

*Please RSVP so that enough programs, candles & refreshments are available.


*Elizabeth Ministry is a faith-based, peer mentorship volunteer organization that celebrates the sanctity of life and honours the lives of all children.

We’re looking for volunteers to assist!  If you are interested in donating a teddy bear or refreshments, volunteering or starting a chapter at your Parish, please contact:

Donna, Elizabeth Minister St. Nicholas Chapter – info (at)

Please note:  At this service, we will honour and celebrate the lives of our little Saints in heaven.  This Mass will be held on the Feast of All Souls’ Day.


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