Owen’s Story – Infant Loss & Hope Amidst Heartache

I’ve known Owen’s mom for a couple of years now and we met because someone we both knew thought it could be a potentially healing experience for us to share our stories with one another.  I feel blessed to have people in my life who are willing to journey with me and who understand that our children are a gift from God to be loved and cherished, even after they have gone to heaven. 

There are many kinds of infant losses which are unexpected and sudden such as ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and SIDS for example.  But what if you were told by a medical expert that the miracle baby growing inside of you would surely die? 

“I listened as a stranger told us that our baby would soon die.  Listened as a stranger told us that we would have, at most, a few minutes or hours to hold our baby alive. But that far more likely, we would lose our child long before birth. That our beloved son was likely never to grow, and not to survive the length of my pregnancy. That we could lose our precious baby any day”.  (Owen’s mom)

When I first read the story of this little boy’s short life, I was moved to tears and knew that it deserved to be shared.  I will let this babylost mom tell you in her own words about how her and her husband loved their son letting God decide when it was time for him to go.  Owen’s life matters and has meaning and his story begins like this…

By The Brightness After Rain

My life is not what I ever imagined it would be. It is true that there has been far more pain than I ever could have fathomed. But that pain, though always present, rests now in the shadow of something far greater. That pain now resides in a quiet place, surrounded by blessing and beauty far beyond anything I’ve ever dreamed of. My life has been transformed completely – not into the life I once hoped for, but into one so much fuller and richer and deeper. And that gift of transformation and beauty has been given to me and to my little family by just one tiny person. Our precious newborn son Owen.  God’s perfect, transforming gift.

To read Owen’s full story, please click here.

Slowing Down

I’m learning a lesson in patience.  I don’t consider myself technically savvy so it is quite a miracle that I got this site up and running in the first place.  You might notice a few glitches along the way — sorry about that. 

Unfortunately, I’m stuck indoors with a cold, but as I look out my kitchen window at the bright, but grey-ish sky behind the gentle sway of the evergreen trees, I have come to the conclusion that sometimes we need to slow down, but can be awfully stubborn about it.  Our bodies can send us a clear message that we need rest and after catching a cold or flu, we have no other choice than to do so. 

There have been times when God has called me to listen, but sadly, I blocked it out.  We’re all human, it happens…and yet the question is, when will we be ready to listen?    

Insights on Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday marking the 1st day of Lent.  Over the next 40 days, to help prepare for Easter, I hope to quiet my mind and to be open to true reflection and contemplation.  My desire is to replenish my soul and focus more on my spirituality, to simply listen and be grateful for the blessings in my life. 

A lot of healing has taken place since the death of my son just over two years ago, and I pray that The Heavenly Father continues to bring comfort by speaking to my heart knowing that I deeply love and will always miss my baby boy.